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Wildfire Education Committee Notes, January 2023 - Cathie Nicholson & Suzanne Jaco, Co-Chairs

The Wildfire Committee focused on initiating the distribution of Wildfire Information packets to RE Brokerage offices and Title Companies. The implementation of “Wildfire Wednesdays”, a weekly online posting of “Did You Know” Wildfire information snippets is coming along nicely and should be going live soon. Other topics pending  dates of the events include slash drop off days, and participation and/or sponsorship of town hall meetings in the local area.

  1. Distibuting Wild Prepared Packets to MMAR Realtor offices, Chamber offices and Title offices and providing digital versions for MMAR members to share with sphere.
  2. Creating sharable WF prepared Instagram posts on MMAR IG platform "Wildfire Wednesdays"
  3. Coordinating the Participation in Townhall meeting to share the MMAR Wildfire Prepared platform
  4. Coordinating MMAR Participation in 2023 Jeffco Slash days
  5. Aligning with the Local Fire Departments Community Ambassador Program
  6. Preparation of Wildfire CMAS Classes I & II in May " Wildfire awareness month"


Wildfire Education Committee Notes, December 2022 - Cathie Nicholson & Suzanne Jaco, Co-Chairs

The committee discussed its goals for 2023:

Deliver Wildfire Prepared Packets to offices;  Build Sharable Social Media Platform; Support the Community Ambassador Program (CAP), help fund CAP with grant funds, and provide electronic forms to share; Continue Partnership with Rotary Wildfire Ready with printed materials; Continue Partnership with MMAR Education Committee and CMAS classes - May is Wildfire Awareness Month; Big push for Wildfire education with brokerages; Continue partnership with Jeffco Slash Program; Sponsor and participate in Town Hall meetings; Continue to apply for grant funds as needed; 


October 13, 2022 – Wildfire Education Committee Meeting Notes – Cathie Nicholson, Chair

We brainstormed on the development of hosting a Town Hall meeting in Evergreen or Conifer to share with the public our educational platform that we have been offering to our MMAR members in our CMAS Class or WE can piggyback on Town Hall meeting that are already scheduled and look into being invited to any existing town hall meetings.

Example - Conifer has Town Hall meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of Sept/Nov/Feb and April.

We reviewed the Jeffco Slash volunteer campaign - The Oct 28th volunteer date was canceled - Looking into next year - The June/July/August dates are needing the most volunteers -

We are moving forward on ordering the Neon Vests to take the place of the grey T-shirts for Volunteers to wear on Slash days

We are looking at becoming more involved in the awareness of the Community Ambassador program of our Local Volunteer Fire Departments and local neighborhoods as we are all wanting to share the same message.


WildFire 2022 Goals - 

Instagram for Pubic Will Fire Public education

ReColo Field

Slash program Volunteers

Realtor Education Program - CMAS and sharable content for their sphere Create Public Education platform (using SimmTable) - in person and at current events


WF Tasks:

• Grants & Rotary Wildfire Education recruitment - SimmTable - JOHN PUTT  • UPDATE: n/a

Instagram - Cathie Nicholson & Gaby ; on hold

• Wild fire Tab on MMAR Website - Cathie Nicholson ; DONE

• Slash Volunteer sign up genius & HOTSHEET- Suzanne Jaco & Troy Lyon; September (4 volunteers) and October (3 volunteers)

RE Colorado MLS Field - Kathleen Stump; on hold  

• Home Assessment/Wildfire Prepared push to Brokers to push to client sphere - Steve  Masztaler ; Preparing for 2023 to visit Brokerages and promote

Neighborhood Ambassador Push - HOA programs - Brenda Meyers • Code Red - Mark Stenbach; also Firewise, also Smart 911

Home Insurance and Tax deductions with wild fire mitigation and Education on under  insured -Dave Benway OR NEW INSURANCE person - Cathie will find one.; Update: Tom Carney via Cathie to join as Insurance Representative

• Printed Material management at all MMAR & Wildfire events, ( Slash Days) - Suzanne  Jaco ; John Putt has materials to distribute during Big Chili

Logo design & T-shirts and Vests for Slash Days - Danny Showers & Troy Lyon ; Committee decided to move forward with Vests only.

• Event Coordination- (where does WF Committee need to be in 2023) Big Chili, Bailey Days  etc

Brenda Meyers, Suzanne Jaco, Mark Steinbach, Cathie - Task Force

• Organize and Execute Town Hall style informational meeting including events with  "Prevention - Truck” for Wildfire prevention, readiness and safety. -JOHN PUTT; Committee discussed taking CMAS info and create a public event / join existing Town Hall meetings in the area, or create an event at the FireHouse.


Wildfire Committee Meeting Notes, August 2022

Brenda Meyers
Tom Carby -NEW
Cathie Nicholson
Marie Lynch
Steve Maxztaler 
Suzanne Jaco
Mark Steinbach
NOTE : Andrew Samms has had to withdrawn from our Committee - and Jackie White quit the committee in May 2022.
1) The MMAR Slash volunteer day on July 29th was a huge success. The WF Committee request Multiple “SINGLE “ subject blast to from The WF committee to members with a PLEA to join in on Aug 26th-MMAR volunteer FREE TShirt and minimum time commitment.
a) Open discussion on a specific “From your WF community” e-blast to MMAR Members.
2) I have prepared MMAR WF bags for volunteers to hand out and share with the community. Mark has the MMAR tent and is responsible to set it up on Aug 26th.
3) We set 2023 goals and are working on our budget forma)
2023 public event task force
b) 2023 Town Hall style education fourms
4) Home assessments are slow or not happening now
5) Elk creek has made wonderful progress on “Community Ambassadors - (not “home” ambassador)-see hand out from Cathie. Park County is offering them on
a :request basis.

Wildfire Committee Update, July 2022

  1. MMAR has started emailing out the Slash sign ups - PLEASE pass on to your office and encourage sign ups. Everyone that signs up will get a FREE T-Shirt.
    Dates are: July 29th, August 26th, September 30th, & October 28th.
  2. Suzanne will contact Kyle (who is from Jeffco and is in charge of the SLASH Signup genius), and have him email out the list of things to prepare and the waiver with the reminders
  3. We will be placing another T-Shirt order using a BRIGHT green/yellow shirt color, as well as Vests - To be paid for out of Grant Money.
  4. John Putt has taken on the task as developing the 2023 Town Hall meetings to educate the public with the material we are educating our MMAR members with.
  5. The task of the Event Coordination for  2023 -  (where does WF Committee need to be  Big Chili, Bailey Days etc) is assigned to Brenda Meyers, Suzanne Jaco, Mark Steinbach, Cathie Nicholson. We will be a Task Force  and get dates on the calendar by Sept 2022 to add to our WF Budget.
  6. John & Cathie to get WF 2023 Budget prepared.
  7. Suzanne has finalized the HOT Sheet and John is having 200 printed out of the Grant Money.
  8. We are looking for a NEW Insurance agent to be on our WF Committee
  9. Instagram post will start ASAP, Cathie to coordinate with Deb and Deb to give post approval to Gabby.
  10. Kathleen Stump has agreed to a video on before and after home hardening - we discussed having a professional do this.
  11. Kathleen has reported the expansion on the MLS field on Fire Mitagation is put on hold until a greate percentage of home owners have the certification.

Wildfire Committee Updates, April 2022

*At the last meeting - we reviewed our WF goals,( See below).

We assigned tasks to each member, who are responsible to make progress on their assigned task and report to the WF committee at each meeting.

The WF Commitee meetings will be the 2nd Thursday of every month, at 2:30pm, either via zoom or in person at Madison & Co office.

-WildFire 2022 Goals:

 Instagram account & posting for pubic education - Cathie & Lyndee are in the process of getting this up and running!

 REcolorado MLS Field - drop down selections - Kathleen has reported that MLS has assigned a Task force to review our requests!

SimTable - Task Force for MMAR to Purchase - John, Cathie, Carmen and Marie - Still need to meet and start our platform

Slash programs - get MMAR Volunteers - We are working on getting a sign-up genius to send to all MMAR members to volunteer at each Jeffco or Park Co Slash day and share information on social media.

REALTOR® Education Program & Create Public Education platforms - USING SIMTABLE - In process with all WF Comm members



June 2021 - Wildfire Committee Updates

1) We would like to see the addition of the a "Wildfire" Tab on MMAR's web site that will allow our members to easily find the links that we are educating them on and encourage them to share these links with their sphere, office, and on social media:

 A) Rotary Wildfire Ready Home Page Rotary Wildfire Ready is a community-based project designed to increase wildfire awareness and education, and to help make our mountain communities safer from the threat of wildfire.

B) Links to Education Brochures 

C) Display the websites for each local fire district for access to that neighborhood's CWIPP/ambassador and their SLASH programs:

Elk Creek Fire Protection District:

Evergreen Fire Protection District:

Genesee Fire Protection District:

Indian Hills Fire Protection District:

D) Facebook links to Rotary Wildfire

2)  We are creating a dedicated Wildfire education email to go out to ALL MMAR members each month. We will prepare it in advance and get it to the CEO to send on the 15th of each month.

June -Cathie Nicholson: Defensible Space

July – Kathleen Stump: Hardening Your Home

August – Steve Masztaler: Fire Resistant Landscaping

Sept – Jackie White: To Go Bag & Evacuation Check List

3) We want to educate other MMAR members about our Wildfire brochures and Ambassador programs so when they volunteer at our community events, they can educate the public

Bailey Day 10a - 8pm June 19th

Elevation Celebration - July 24th - 25th

Chili Cook off - Sept 11th

April 2021 - Wildfire Committee Updates

1) We have been approved by CAR for a Colorado Project Wildfire Grant and the CARPAC Issue Mobilization Funds for:
$2,786 Local IM Funds to MMAR to sponsor the printing of Wildfire Preparedness Educational Brochures
$2,296.61 Colorado Project Wildfire Grant Funds to sponsor the printing of Wildfire Preparedness Educational Brochures
TOTAL = $5082.61 - Checks will be mailed to MMAR on Thursday. We will use these funds to pay for
the printing cost of our Rotary Wildfire Educational Brochures. We will have these at most Community Events - Chili Cook Off, Bailey Days, Conifer’s Elevation Celebration...etc.!

For all five brochures, go to
1) Harden your Home 2) Defensible Space, 2) Emergency Go Bag, 4) Home Assessment Checklist & Wildland Fire Assessment Program, 5) Ready, Set, Go & Wildland Fire Action Guide.
Rotary Wildfire Ready - Be Prepared for Wildfire
Rotary Wildfire Ready is a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase wildfire preparedness in our communities and help make our residents safer from the threat of wildfire.

2) Education Fire Truck:   Will be present at community events mentioned above, and Wildfire Committee members will be on hand to distribute the above brochures

3) CMAS classes:
CMAS 1 - June 2nd - 10am-12pm - Mountain Wildfire Safety and Mitigation - Core
CMAS 2 - June 9th - 10am-12pm - Home Assessment, Defensible Space - Core

4) Neighborhood Ambassadors:  We are just diving into seek neighborhood ambassadors - following Jackie White’s work that she has developed for The Homestead. Some other neighborhoods have already started.